Light Steel Framing technology


Light Steel Framing technology has been our core business for several years, especially in terms of sales, installation and maintenance of automatic Roll Formers that are used in this business and the training of the personnel working on the machines and on their CAD softwares.

Together with our partners we can provide the following services worldwide:
  • Roll Forming machines supply
  • Roll Formers maintenance and repair
  • Training for machine operators
  • Training for the frame assembly teams
  • Training for LSF designers on some of the most used softwares
  • LSF structures 3D modelling with some of the most used softwares
  • LSF consulting on design and production


LSF consulting & services


Roll Formers supply

Together with our partners, we can supply last-generation Roll Formers, together with their installation and the training for designers, machine operators and frame assembly teams.
We have several machines in our catalogue to cover all the profiles range needed in a building, spanning from 50 mm to 300 mm wide profiles and from 0.75 mm up to 3.5 mm of steel strip tickness, single and multi profile.
We can suggest the best machine for your needs.


Roll Formers maintenance

If you are already in the LSF business, then it's likely you have your own Roll Former(s). We've been working with many different brands in the last few years (Howick, Scottsdale, Lytesteel to name a few) and we can give support on them in terms of after warranty troubleshooting, repair and ordinary & extraordinary maintenance.
Feel free to contact us for an offer specifying the brand, model and year of production of your Roll Former.



Sometimes happens that you had someone new joining your LSF team.
We can train a machine operator to operate and take good care of the machine. We can train an assembly team in assembling efficently the frames and to erect them on-site. On some softwares we can even train your designer(s). Please feel free to contact us to have an offer.


LSF 3D modelling

If your workload is too high or if you don't have a trained LSF designer, we are able to give you a short to medium term solution. We will be able to create the LSF models with your copy of some of the mostly used designing softwares in this field. If you need to have a project developed from 0 instead, we might be able to suggest you someone in our network.